The Lost Laboratory

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Referred to as Loeth El’Errum by the Ferrum, the Lost Laboratory became something of legend to the weary-eyed soldiers of humanity. This legend extends into the age of Night, as it is believed that should a vessel spot the Lost Laboratory upon the horizon, they must keep their gaze fixed upon its shimmering outline, lest it slip beneath the sandsea only to reemerge elsewhere in the distance.

"Loeth El'Errum", a Ferrum laboratory once conducting research into space time magic. Lead by its Guardian Vozryx, the Ferrum experimented on Hashari and Once-Men both. Legend has spread throughout the Ages of the entire island being capable of temporal disappearance and teleportation.

There are no special requirements to enter the Lost Laboratory except access to the Grainwake.


Just south of the Pillar of Entropy [Map of Talamhel]


Remains of Redemption






Ore Deposits
