Ferral Ferrum

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Ther Ferral Ferrum is a ferrum that is at its peak of corruption. it has dropped to its hands and knees and crawls around looking for sacrumite to feed on.



Warning: Spoiler Ahead. Read at your own risk.

  • Variant 1

Ferrum Ferral T1.png

  • Variant 2

Variant 2 has an additional ability where it turns into a tornado of flying armor pieces.

Ferrum Ferral T2.png


Warning: Spoiler Ahead. Read at your own risk.

Spend some time watching them do their attacks. In a small amount of time you will realize that their attacks have very slow windups. you can essentially avoid most of their attacks by running around them. Try not to dodge or parry too early as you can end up getting hit at the tail end of your dodge. be away of Variant 2's tornado ability, as it cannot be parried and can push you into a wall or off a ledge.