Sentinel Ferrum

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Elite defenders of the Ferrum, The Sentinel Ferrum will be the most challenging Ferrum you will face. They have an impressive arsenal of ranged attacks, 360 degree double swipes, Blocking, and the ability to stun or silence the player from using spellblade.



only 1 variant

Warning: Spoiler Ahead. Read at your own risk.

Ferrum Sentinel.png


Warning: Spoiler Ahead. Read at your own risk.

Initiate combat aggressively and wait for its windup. Use the opportunity to either dodge or parry the attack. Parrying has a great window of opportunity as the 360 double swipes attack twice in succession allowing a missed parry an additional chance to catch the 2nd attack. This comes at a cost though, as its attacks do a lot of damage. Do what will suit your playstyle best.

Pay attention to when it deploys its shield. When the shield is deployed it will start to use its extra hands to fire ranged attacks at you. Running away is an option but will expose your back for it to land critical hits on you. Avoid running if you cannot break line of sight. the best way to deal with the shield is to run behind it and strike it from behind or the side. Any damage will cancel its shield.