Talisman of Ferrum Spirit Banishment

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Talisman of Ferrum Spirit Banishment
Trinkets ferrum.png
A talisman of Leisis, said to embue a remnant knight with great power.

The Talisman of Spirit Banishment is a Blessing of the Goddess Leisis bestowed upon the player character. It acts as an equippable accessory independent from gear - the effect stays permanent so long as the Talisman is junctioned. Blessings can be swapped out at will on Starspire Refuge by talking to Navae, The Leisistral Priestess after completing the Side Quest Ashes and Dirt.

Junctioning Spirit Banishment occupies one Talisman Slot.


Rips souls from the bearer's fallen foes and consumes them. Used to great effect against the noble Ferrum. (Stops Ferrum Crawlers from being revived)


The talisman is found in Melgom's Cavern by killing the unique Ferral Ferrum that can be found on a broken bridge near the Offering to Melgom.


A cherished charm believed to have belonged to Hilda of the Radiant Justiciars. While remaining neutral for most of the war, Hilda’s alliances shifted quickly after her capture by the Ferrum. It is believed that within the flaming misery of the Cinderhold, Atnael freed Hilda and offered her a position in his holy army so she could claim revenge on the Ferrum who inflicted such suffering upon her.