Crumbling Basilica

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Believed to have once been accompanied by a larger municipality, The Crumbling Basilica was once considered neutral ground by the kingdoms of men. It was from the Basilica that the fate of the Heavelands would be decided after a shared ceremony marked the start of the annual Crowns of Decay competition.

The center of a neutral municipality among the kingdoms of Once-Men. Home to an annual "Competition of Decay" regarding control over the Heavelands. Legends tell that one might hear silent whispers of an Old God inside the crumbling cathedral deep inside the basilica, though some things are better left alone.

There are no special requirements to enter the Crumbling Basilica except access to the Grainwake.

One of four Musicians can be found and recruited inside the Crumbling Basilica.

The item Snowcinder Bellows to upgrade the Forge can be found on the Crumbling Basilica.


Far to the south of Starspire Refuge [Map of Talamhel]






Ore Deposits

Alongside the lower ramparts, accessed from a ladder on the right side when passing the first pit of Fell magic

  • Glint 5000

In front of the hidden chamber of the musician