Well Run Dry

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Quest Overview

Well Run Dry is the second Main Quest in Sands of Aura. It functions an introduction to the Grainwake and to the exploration of the larger world of Talamhel.

Too proud a knight, Lawrence is not keen on leaving the grim situation of Starspire to the Blessings of the church. He informs you that it was in fact a former Priest of Leisis, Calder, who set the local church on fire before fleeing the island. Both the contamination of the secret cistern as well as the fire have depleted most of Starspire's water supplies. Reminding you of your duty as Knight-to-be, Lawrence tasks you to take the Grainwake ship and head eastwards to Tupi's Grotto in hopes of striking a deal to secure clean water for Starspire. You reach the island, only to find it in a state of disarray. The Local population seems to be afflicted by a condition only known as Sand-Soak, Falker refers to them as "being corrupted by Night itself." Fighting your way past the corrupted Cultists, you notice that the blight has corrupted the selfsame water supplies that you so desperately came here to secure. Finally emerging in Tupi's Carving Cavern, he hastily leads you to the source of "Night", Ubaani, a once beloved carving golem of Tupi. As is your duty as Knight-to-be, you vanquish the golem, the corruption's grasp too strong on him to be cleansed off it - but not before a mysterious shade emerges from Ubaani's body, vanishing as quickly as the glance it throws your way. Tupi calls it a phantom manifestation of the corruption. Though saddened by the loss of Ubaani, he commends you for fulfiling your duty and promises fresh water supplies awaiting you at the docks. Before returning home, Tupi cannot help but share his grim outlook with you on what may befall the world if the source of the corruption will not be cleansed. He bids Seldom, a Master Rune Carver to follow you back to Starspire, along an ancient Sigil, once belonging to the god Melgom


Quest Giver


Next Quest

Fail Conditions

  • N/A


  • Secure water from Tupi’s Grotto.
  • Return to the dock at Tupi's Grotto and speak with Tupi before departing.



Warning: Spoiler Ahead. Read at your own risk.

Part One

Following Lawrence’s instructions, you may now venture through Starspire and head towards the docks along the lower portion of the island. There you will find Felker, The Dunefaring Knight, waiting nearby a prepared Grainwake. Upon boarding the Grainwake, you can sail southeast to Tupi’s Grotto. Upon arriving, you will find the island in a state of disarray. Speaking with Felker reveals that the local population—members of the Verdant Rebirth—appear to have fallen to corruption. Felker can also inform you that Tupi’s home waits at the heart of the island and that to find it you’ll need to wrap around the edge of the island. Progressing forward along the dirt path you will come to a split before a large boulder, follow the path to the right as it runs along the outer edge of the island. This will take you past a number of corrupted and will eventually bring you to a tree with Nowlin, The Stonefoster, perched atop. You can talk to Nowlin to progress the “Sand Soaked” questline but ignoring Nowlin for now, progress along the path as it splits to the left and follow it until you come to a large circular platform with a corrupted mage standing before an altar. Keep following the path as it proceeds beyond that platform and hugs the outside edge of the island. Eventually you’ll notice a kind of spilt where one side leads to a platform with a ladder and the other a small makeshift bridge of planks which proceed over a bit of corrupted water. You can progress to the platform to activate a shortcut ladder, but to find Tupi’s you’ll need to progress over the few wooden planks. Doing that will bring you to the resonate bell at the poisoned oasis where you’ll see a number of corrupted standing before a small door. Enter to find Tupi’s home.

Part Two

Following the only available path within Tupi’s home will take you to the Carving Cavern, where you’ll find Seldom, The Runecarver standing before an in-progress rune and Tupi, The Sage of Talamhel standing beside a nearby overlook. Speaking with Tupi, reveals that Ubanni the great golem of the grotto has become corrupted and is the cause of the suffering spread over the island. As Ubanni is too far gone to be saved, Tupi promises to reward you with water for Starspire if you destroy Ubanni. Agreeing, you can proceed through a small door to confront the Corrupt Golem. After defeating Ubanni, a mysterious shade will emerge and float your direction, before being chased off by Tupi. Tupi calls the spirit a manifestation of corruption. Tupi commends your efforts and says that fresh water supplies await you at the docks. He asks you to meet him there for a final discussion. Once at the docks, Tupi will speak to his fears about the growing corruption in Talamhel. He fears the spirit that emerged from Ubanni is born from a corruption that was once sealed within the Pillar of Entropy by himself and an alliance of Remnant Knights. Tupi fears this corruption is escaping and asks for your aid in restoring the world to its pre-corruption state. Due to Starspire’s need for water, you don’t have much choice but to accept his request. Tupi gives you Melgom’s Sigil and sends Seldom, The Runecarver, with you to Starspire. He tells you to speak to Seldom once in Starspire to activate the sigil. This completes the “Well Run Dry” quest and begins the Sigils of the Forsaken Gods” quest.

Step By Step

  1. Talk to Navae, Galina and Lawrence to accept "Well Run Dry" inside of Lawrences home.
  2. Head to the docks of Starspire and meet up with Falker, The Dunefaring Knight.
  3. Pilot the Grainwake sandboat eastwards to Tupi's Grotto.
  4. Enter the island and make your way into Tupi's Home and The Carving Cavern.
  5. Talk to Tupi and head down The Carving Cavern, defeat Ubaani.
  6. Head back to the docks and talk to Tupi.