The Coldwell

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As the only remaining fragment of the northern mountain range, The Coldwell stands isolated as the only location where frigid winds may be felt. In the era before the Night Plague, an era before even the kingdoms of men when the tribes of early men had yet to unify, nomadic warriors believed The Coldwell to be the mouth of Ronkurth, The Spirit of War.

Traversing the inner caves of the Coldwell necessitates observing the falling snow - invisible pathways connect the multitude of platforms, ultimately leading into the innermost chamber.

There are no special requirements to enter the Coldwell except access to the Grainwake.


North-east of Gamble's Peak [Map of Talamhel]






Splintering Pike

Ore Deposits

On a hidden cliffside on the left side, across the last bridge before inner boss chamber

  • Glint 2500