Ferrum Codex

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Ferrum Codex
Codices ferrum.png
A tome whose cover is adorned with an emblematic Ferrum helm.

The Ferrum Codex is a unique Consumable Item in Sands of Aura. It is used to unlock its respective style used in Weapon Crafting at the Forge.


Your normal attacks deal 25% more damage while spellblade is active.

Codex Location

The codex can be found at The Flare Forge above the Erudition chamber on a pedestal.


Just as the Ferrum believe Embarsarian gave of his own soul to create the leagues of the first Ferrum, so to do their finest smiths believe a portion of themselves becomes entwined in each item forged. Some postulate this is the reason some Ferrum are banished for extending these works to any other than their own.