To Shield or Smother

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Quest Overview

To Shield or Smother is a Side Quest in Sands of Aura. Side quests are optional and do not alter the primary ending of the game, but some may alter the arcs of certain characters. Some side quests are dependent upon other quests to begin or may only become available once the main narrative of the game has been progressed to a specific point.


Quest Giver

  • Creature, the Nightmare Constrained


Next Quests

  • N/A

Fail Conditions

  • N/A


  • Find and save Squab.
  • Return to Creature at Malek's Menagerie.



Warning: Spoiler Ahead. Read at your own risk.

Part One

Upon arriving at Malek’s Menagerie and climbing the grand staircase, you’ll be met by Ceza, The Head Curator, who floats inside what looks to be an arena. Ceza is intrigued by your status as a Remnant Knight and would like to add you the Menagerie’s collection. But not just anyone deserves to be in the line up, so Ceza decides to test your mettle. Unlocking the gates of the Menagerie one by one, you must fight through a gauntlet of enemies collected from the various islands around Talamhel. Once all the lesser enemies have been defeated Ceza opens the final gate to reveal a hulking beast called Creature the Nightmare Constrained.

Part Two

What appears to be a boss fight quickly devolves as Creature, The Nightmare Constrained, refuses to fight. Seeing this, Ceza says she has to report in to Malek himself before she vanishes leaving you and Creature alone. Speaking with Creature reveals that he was sent to the Menagerie as punishment for trying to escape Malek Mard. He tells you that he and his companion Squab wanted to escape their maker Malek Mard so that they could live freely in Talamhel. He asks you to go and save Squab from Malek Mard promising you a reward if you can do so.

Creature gives you the Inner Chamber key and offers up a hint about Malek Mard’s location, saying that his home lies in a wet cave surrounded by many blue flowers. Remembering that Melgom’s Cavern in Starspire fits both of these criteria, you can sail there and explore the interior again.

Step By Step

  1. you enter Malek's Menagerie and you find yourself above an area.
  2. when you drop down a Skull named Ceza is speaking to an unseen audience when suddenly gates open containing enemies.
  3. When you have defeated all the waves of enemies Ceza announces a terrible enemy named Creature, the Nightmare Constrained but Creature refuses to fight.
  4. Ceza leaves and Creature tells you that he wants to be free but wants you to find his friend Squab and gives you a key.

Part Three

Once inside Melgom’s Cavern you can approach the inner chamber and use the key Creature gave you to enter. After doing so, you can enter the home of Malek Mard who stands before his desk near the back of the room. Despite the cruelty, speaking with Malek reveals an admiration of Creature and a worry that the world is too harsh for Creature’s sensitivity. Speaking with Squab reveals a similar sentiment, Squab wanted to escape but was attacked only to be saved again by Malek. Squab is concerned for Creature and asks that you convince him to return home. Malek provides you with magical fetters which when bound to Creature will transport him back to Malek’s side.

Returning to Creature at Malek’s Menagerie, you can inform him of Squab’s decision and of Malek’s intention to have him captured. Despite his sadness, Creature tells you he wants his freedom and that he does not want to return to Malek’s. The choice is yours to make.

If you elect to let Creature go free, he can be found later at Gambel's Peak. If you elect to capture Creature will be teleported back to Malek’s inner chamber.

Step By Step (Creature Route)

  1. You go to Maleks inner chamber found in Melgoms Cavern in Starspire Refuge
  2. You confront Malek Mard, The Deathless Magus And he tells you that Creature is free to go but he worries about Creatures well being. and gives you the Fetters of Translocation That can be used to send Creature back to Malek
  3. You Talk to Squab, The Rudimentary and she tells you that she doesn't want to leave.
  4. When you return to Creature in Malek's Menagerie he is disappointed squanb doesn't want to come but you give him the Fetters of Translocation
  5. Creature Thanks you and the quest is complete you can find Creature dead on Gamble's Peak island.

Step By Step (Malik Route)

  1. When you return to Creature in Malek's Menagerie he is disappointed squant doesn't want to come but you use the Fetters of Translocation on him
  2. Creature Is teleported away the quest is complete.
  3. you can find him in Maleks inner chamber.