Reduced Fare

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Quest Overview

Reduced Fare is a Side Quest in Sands of Aura. Side quests are optional and do not alter the primary ending of the game, but some may alter the arcs of certain characters. Some side quests are dependent upon other quests to begin or may only become available once the main narrative of the game has been progressed to a specific point.


Quest Giver


Next Quests

  • N/A

Fail Conditions

  • N/A


  • Procure a light for Volg.
  • Return to The Grave.
  • Follow Volg.


  • Blood Drinker


Warning: Spoiler Ahead. Read at your own risk.

Part One

After docking at the Grave, you can speak with Felker who reveals that at one point the island was the location of a settlement until there was a conflict with a neighboring settlement. Venturing into the Grave, you can avoid the trapped floor by walking over the planks until you come to a large, darkened room with many corrupted within. Progressing to the left most you’ll find a lever which will open the path going the other direction. Proceeding along that path, you’ll find a floor trapped with spikes. Timing your movement over the trapped floor to avoid the spikes will bring you to a room where you’ll face Trog and Igri, The Unrested. After defeating them, an incredible aged Once-Man named Volg, The Timeworn Gondolier will emerge behind a cell wall. Speaking with Volg will reveal that he is looking for a light. To help him find it, he recommend you seek the one born from Rakkys, to seek the storm.

While his directions are vague, Volg is referring to Furn, The Tender Transmute, who waits within the Flare Forge. If you’ve started the “Embers of Avarice” quest you can progress to the Flare Forge and track down Furn. The quickest way to find Furn is to follow the natural flow of the level until coming to a large interior chamber that has a descending stairway beside a burning crater. When entering this chamber, you’ll notice Furn standing on a platform on the opposite side of the room. Following the available path will bring you to two small staircases, one leading down to a shortcut and the other leading up above the smoldering crater, into a more wooded area with circular platforms. At the first circular platform, drop down to the left near the crater and follow leftward. You’ll find Furn waiting on a platform surrounded by a number of Ferrum pots and oddities.

Step By Step

  1. Find Volg, The Timeworn Gondolier in The Grave
  2. Find Furn, The Tender Transmute in The Flare Forge

Part Two

When speaking to Furn and inspecting his inventory you’ll notice a Lantern available for purchase. Speaking with him about the lantern reveals that he had promised to return to someone in the Grave. Telling him that you met Volg and that he sent you after the light, Furn can be persuaded to let you have it as long as you promise to return it to Volg. With the light in hand, you can return to the Grave and give it to Volg.

Doing so allows him to again resume sailing across a river made up of long dissolved corrupted. He will give you passage across but tells you that they will not let you in. Crossing the passage will bring to the sealed door of a Once-Man settlement. There you can talk to Royce, The Stalwart Porter, who will name drop Felker. You can question Felker about the Once-Man settlement later to which he tells you he’ll need to know your loyal before he could ever let you enter.

Step By Step

  1. Buy the lantern from Furn
  2. Return to The Grave and give the lantern to Volg, The Timeworn Gondolier
  3. Ride with Volg