Ishulari Codex

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Ishulari Codex
Codices inshularian.png
A tome whose cover is adorned with celestial bodies.

The Ishulari Codex is a unique Consumable Item in Sands of Aura. It is used to unlock its respective style used in Weapon Crafting at the Forge.


Ishulari Codex Your special attacks will always deal critical damage.

Codex Location

The codex can be found in Ishular in the right-hand side path across the entrance plaza, guarded by a Blade Dancer.


Leisis was to be upheld in all aspects of life in Ishular. Her judgement was fierce. Her will exact. As such the instruments of Her faith needed to reflect this. So, each blade was prayed over by the Prime Radiance himself and instilled with luminous stones and carvings of Her divine visage. Reports from those outside suggest that when Ishular’s army took position upon the city’s barbicans, the gleam of their blades was as blinding as the sun.