Bones of a Hurwellian Royal

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The Bones of a Hurwellian Royal are a quest item obtained during Remains of Redemption.


The seared bones of Felmonte, The Duke of Hurwell.


Their size suggests an adolescent life cut short.


Given by Furn, The Tender Transmute in exchange for the Modest Black Book.


Can be returned to Hurwell.

Warning: Spoiler Ahead. Read at your own risk.

Instead of immediately returning to Ruins of Hurwell, taking the bones to the prison cell in The Flare Forge will summon the spirit of Felmonte, The Duke of Hurwell. He will reveal critical information regarding the nature of Alaira, The Lady of Hurwell's curse, allowing her to join you in the Ishular boss fight against Atnael, The Prime Radiance.